Nousjka Daniëls
graphic designer / illustrator
Brussels (BE)
A graphic designer with a big heart for books, quirky illustrations, games, science fiction, paper cut-out collages and some random fascination for islands and tropical views.

After graduating from LUCA Ghent (2014), I moved to Brussels where I’m now working as a freelancer on various projects, mainly in the socio-cultural sector. In addition I’m studying printmaking techniques at Academie Beeldende Kunsten Anderlecht (ABKA), focusing on silkscreen printing and riso.
19—now  Printmaking ABKA, Anderlecht
13—14    MA Graphic Design Luca, Ghent
24 1—30 APR    Het Lab Bruges (BE) 
24 1—24 JAN   A.I.R Hektor Lanzarote (ES)
24     Culture Moves Europe mobility grant